Tuesday 4 November 2008

BNY ConvergEx On Pension Fund Leverage

BNY ConvergEx Group, LLC, has created a new solution that enables small and medium-sized pension funds to leverage the benefits of international asset reallocation opportunities.

Through its global transition management business, ConvergEx has created a new clearing solution that gives small and medium sized pension fund clients investing in commingled funds the ability to use transition management to make changes in investment strategy. ConvergEx's global clearing arrangements allow it to offer efficient global trading and settlement to those clients without their own global clearing and settlement framework in place.

"As the recent uncertainty in the equity markets has demonstrated, having access to a multitude of markets and asset classes is essential when seeking enhanced returns, beating benchmarks, or simply staying above water," stated Carey S. Pack, Chief Executive Officer, BNY ConvergEx Execution Solutions. "This is another prime example of ConvergEx's ongoing commitment to creating unique solutions to the increasingly sophisticated demands of our global transition management clients."

Kal Bassily, CFA, Managing Director and Global Head of BNY ConvergEx Group's global transition management business, commented, "Clients who lack the ability to trade and settle their portfolios in non-US securities are exposed to greater risk during the transition process if the trade involves a large cash funding component. We have created a unique remedy to this problem by allowing small and medium-sized pension funds to participate in transitions as they never have before, while both expanding the breadth of opportunities available to them during changes in investment strategy and increasing our ability to hedge and mitigate risk."

ConvergEx's global transition management business recently received eleven "Best in Class" rankings in Plan Sponsor Magazine's 2008 Transition Management Survey, including wins for best in Pre-Trade, best in Execution, best in Post-Trade and best in Organization & Support, as well as a sweep of the Endowments, Foundations, and Nonprofits category.
With a dedicated team of professionals worldwide, ConvergEx's experience, global capabilities and dedicated expertise help to provide clients with a customized transition strategy that can preserve assets, minimize market impact, manage risk and minimize cost.

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