Friday 4 April 2008

FXall Up 39%

FXall, the world's leading foreign exchange platform, today announced trading volumes for the first quarter of 2008 of $4.1 trillion, an increase of 39% year on year.

The growth in volumes is driven by demand from both existing and new clients including asset managers, corporations, banks, broker-dealers and hedge funds. Active traders, algorithmic strategies and diversification by institutional investors who have embraced FX as an asset class have contributed to the strong growth in volumes.

FXall supports its clients through continuous investment in the technology and services they require. As an independent platform, FXall is committed to ensuring it continues to attract the deepest liquidity, therefore providing a diverse and valuable service to the broadest range of participants in the market.

Phil Weisberg, Chief Executive Officer of FXall, commented: “FXall has achieved consistent growth with volumes nearly tripling over the past three years. Investment in the products and services our clients demand remains a priority and we continue to innovate to provide a broad range of execution methods to match diverse client requirements.”

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