Tuesday 1 April 2008

Trading Glossary

A credit default swap based on an Asset-Backed Security itself based on relatively risky home equity loans (U.S.) In effect a type of insurance against default on the underlying ABS.

Taiwan: Asset-Backed Commercial Paper

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants

Hedge Funds: the incremental return above the market that a manager generates.

American-Style Option
Option contract which can be excercised at any time between the purchase date and the expiration date. Most commonly exchange-traded option in the U.S.

Simultaneous sale and purchase of identical or equivalent financial instruments or commodity futures to benefit from a discrepancy in their prices.

Receipt of an exercise notice by an option writer (seller) that obligates him to sell (in the case of a call) or purchase (in the case of a put) the underlying security at the specified strike price.

Occurs if the strike price of the option is equal to the market price of underlying security.

Futures or options on futures months being traded that are furthest from expiration.

Germany: financial regulator

Bank Of England
UK Central Bank

Person who believes prices will move lower

Bear Market
Market in which prices are moving lower.

Hedge Funds: market exposure

Price that market participants are willing to pay.

Person who believes prices will move higher

Bull Market
Market in which prices are moving higher.

Buy on Close
Buy at the end of a trading session at a price within the closing range.

Buy on Opening
Buy at the beginning of a trading session at a price within the opening range.

An option contract giving the holder the right to buy the underlying security at a specified price for a certain, fixed period of time.

Capped-Style Option
Option with an established profit cap. The cap price is equal to the option's strike price plus a cap interval for a call option or the strike price minus a cap interval for a put option. Exercised automatically when the underlying security closes above or below the cap price, depending on whether it is a call or a put.

Chief Executive Officer

Chief Financial Officer

Council of Institutional Investors

Chief Investment Officer

End of trading session period. Also called the Closing Range. The official close is designated as the high and low prices or bids and offers recorded during the period.

Closing Purchase
Transaction entered into to reduce or eliminate a short position in a given series of options.

One off fee brokerage fee to a customer when a futures or options on futures position is liquidated either by offset or delivery.

1) Unit of trading for a financial or commodity future.

2) Bilateral agreement between buyer and seller (parties) of a futures or options on futures transaction. Defined by the exchange.

Contract Month
The month in which futures contracts may be satisfied by making or accepting delivery.

Covered Call Option Writing
Trading strategy involving simultaneously selling call options and owning an equivalent position in the underlying security. The reverse is to sells a put option and shorting the underlying security.

Day Order
Order placed for execution within one trading session. Automatically cancelled if it can not be executed within the day.

Day Trading
Within one day establishing and liquidating the same position or positions. No positions should be established at the days end.

Back Months

Tender and receipt of an actual commodity or financial instrument, or cash in settlement of a futures contract.

Derivative Security
Financial security whose value is determined in part from an another security's (the underlying security) value and characteristic.

Dow Joines Industrial Average
US Index made up of 30 picked stocks. Weighted by share price

Enhanced Analytics Initiative

European Central Bank

Earnings Per Share

Equity Options
Options on shares of an individual common stock.

European Financial Reporting Advisory Group

Enterprise Risk Management

Exchange-Traded Fund

European-style Options
Option contracts that can only be exercised during a specified period of time just prior to their expiration.

Exercise Settlement Amount
Difference between the exercise price of the option and the exercise settlement value of the index on the day an exercise notice is tendered , multiplied by the index multiplier.

Expiration Cycle
The dates on which options on an underlying security expire. A given option is assigned to one of three cycles, January, February or March.

Expiration Date
Date on which an option and the right to exercise it, cease to exist.

Financial Accounting Standards Advisory Council

Financial Accounting Standards Board

Financial Accounting Standards Advisory Council
Overseer of the Financial Accounting Standards Board.

Financial Reporting
Defined by the COSO Framework as:-

The preparation of reliable published financial statements, including interim and condensed financial statements and selected financial data derived from such statements, such as earnings releases, reported publicly.

Financial Supervisory Commission
Taiwan: financial regulator

Floor Broker
Licensed member of an Exchange, who is paid a fee for executing orders for Clearing Members or their customers.

Floor Trader
Also known as a "local". Exchange member who only trades for his own account.

All contracts covering purchase and sale of financial instruments or physical commodities for future delivery on a commodity futures exchange.


Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.

Strategy to limit investment loss by effecting a transaction which offsets an existing position.

Purchaser of an option

International Financial Reporting Standards

Accounting standard for "business combinations" or Merger and Acquisitions transactions. First standard written jointly by International Accounting Standards Board and the U.S. Financial Accounting Standards Board.

Initial Performance Bond
Also known as "Initial Margin". Funds required when a futures position is opened.

Integrity and Ethics
Reside under the Control Environment. The senior management need to set the tone for the company. Whilst they might be considered "soft" and "intangible" concepts, they affect the design, administration and monitoring of other internal controls. According to COSO, the actions of management is more important than having them written down.

Negative examples of integrity and ethics are the infamous Enron and WorldCom scandals.

A positive example is BP which sets a high bar for ethical behaviour by employees. To back this policy up they make mention of it and its effectiveness in financial reports.

Occurs if the strike price of a call option is less than the market price of the underlying security. For put options the strike price has to be higher than the market price of the underlying security for it to be in-the money.

Intrinsic Value
Amount by which an option is in-the-money.

International Swaps and Derivatives Association

Long Term Capital Management

Margin Requirement for Options
Amount an uncovered (naked) option writer is required to deposit and maintain to cover a position. Calculated

Market Order
Order for immediate execution given to a broker to buy or sell at the best obtainable price.

Daily adjustment of margin accounts to reflect profit and loss.

Management's Disclosure and Analysis

When applied to finance refers to moderate risk or mid level.

Minimum Price Fluctuation
Smallest increment of price movement possible in trading a given contract. It is also referred to as "lead month".

National Association of Stock Plan Professionals

Nearest active trading month of a futures or options on futures contract.

New York Stock Exchange

Price at which an investor is willing to sell a futures or options contract. Offset buying if one has sold, or selling if one has bought, a futures or options on futures contract.

Open Interest
Total number of futures or options on futures contracts that have not yet been offset or fulfilled by delivery. An indicator of the depth or liquidity of a market (the ability to buy or sell at or near a given price) and of the use of a market for risk and/or asset management.

Private Equity Intelligence
Research group specialising in the private equity arena.

Public Company Accounting Oversight Board
Organization set up under Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2002 to regulate auditing of public companies and auditors.

Regulation FD
Regulation Fair Disclosure

Rule enforced by the SEC requiring U.S. to make available to the public that they make to securities analysts. If the disclosure is intentional the release has to be simultaneous. Unintentional disclosure has to be made available to the public within 24 hours.

The practice of loaning out shares in return for cash.

Risk Assessment
One of five components of internal control according to the COSO Internal Control Framework

Risks faced by the company have to be recognized. Objectives have to be set, integrated into the value-chain. To achieve the objectives, risks have to be identified, analyzed and develop methods to manage them.

Rule 13a-15 (e)
SEC rule which defines Disclosure Controls and Procedures.

Rule 13a-15 (f)
SEC rule which defines Internal Control over Financial Reporting

Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics

Securities and Exchange Commission.

Shorthand for Sarbanes-Oxley.

Structured Notes
Derivatives-linked bonds designed to deliver high returns over a fixed period.

Synthetic Collateralised Debt Obligations
Repackaged portfolios of credit derivatives.

Tokyo Commodity Exchange

System proprosed by the ECB for a single securities settlements across the Eurozone.

Tokyo Stock Exchange

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