Friday 29 August 2008

Cloverleaf Given SWIFTReady for 10th Year

Cloverleaf®finance, a message broking solution from Trace Financial has been awarded the SWIFTReady Enterprise Application Integration label by SWIFT for the tenth consecutive year. No other organisation or product has gained greater recognition. Each year SWIFT introduces new challenges and each year Trace is able to demonstrate compliance, primarily due to the power and flexibility of the Cloverleaf®finance product.

In addition, Trace’s Transformer product has simultaneously gained the SWIFTReady Message Data Services (MDS) label.

To achieve this status Trace Financial has implemented a comprehensive suite of mappings between the SWIFT MT and MX standards and passed (100%) a comprehensive test suite to prove accurate implementation. The solution is capable of being deployed as a service in numerous technical architectures including J2EE, .NET, Web Services and within third party message brokers. The power of Transformer is that these mappings can be implemented and maintained without writing code and the same approach can be used for all messaging within a financial enterprise. Libraries are available for CREST, TRAX, FIX, FpML as well as SWIFT MT and MX and support for a client's proprietary formats.

Eric Meirlaen who is responsible for the two labelling programmes at SWIFT commented, “SWIFT is happy to acknowledge Cloverleaf®finance’s capabilities with the tenth consecutive SWIFTReady accreditation - the most that any product has achieved. Trace’s Cloverleaf has consistently demonstrated excellent performance against the demanding EAI criteria that SWIFT has set each year and we commend this achievement.”

He added, “The Transformer product has significantly impressed many people at SWIFT with its ability to handle complex financial message standards and to be deployed in numerous technical architectures. We are pleased to formally recognize and applaud these capabilities with the award of the SWIFTReady label in our Messaging Data Service category.”

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