Friday 22 August 2008

Derivatives D - I

Day Order
Order placed for execution within one trading session. Automatically cancelled if it can not be executed within the day.
Day Trading
Within one day establishing and liquidating the same position or positions. No positions should be established at the days end.
Back Months
Tender and receipt of an actual commodity or financial instrument, or cash in settlement of a futures contract.
Derivative Security
Financial security whose value is determined in part from an another security's (the underlying security) value and characteristic.
Direct Edge
US-based multilateral trading faciltiy or trading platform.
Multilateral trading facility majority owned by Borse Berlin and Burgundy. Nordic equities markets are the main target.
Exchange-Traded Fund
European Multilateral Clearing Facility
Clearing unit set up by Fortis for European alternative trading systems.
European-style Options
Option contracts that can only be exercised during a specified period of time just prior to their expiration.
Exercise Settlement Amount
Difference between the exercise price of the option and the exercise settlement value of the index on the day an exercise notice is tendered , multiplied by the index multiplier.
Expiration Cycle
The dates on which options on an underlying security expire. A given option is assigned to one of three cycles, January, February or March.
Expiration Date
Date on which an option and the right to exercise it, cease to exist.
Financial Accounting Standards Advisory Council
Vendor of portfolio construction and risk management analytics
Financial Supervisory Commission
Taiwan: financial regulator
Floor Broker
Licensed member of an Exchange, who is paid a fee for executing orders for Clearing Members or their customers.
Floor Trader
Also known as a "local". Exchange member who only trades for his own account.
All contracts covering purchase and sale of financial instruments or physical commodities for future delivery on a commodity futures exchange.
Futures Commission Agent
Engages in soliciting or accepting handling orders for the purchase or sale of futures contracts , subject to the rules of a futures exchange and, who, in connection with solicitation or acceptance or orders, accepts any money or securities to margin any resulting trades or contracts. Can be a firm or person.
Grant Date
Stock Options:- "The date at which an employer and an employee reach a mutual understanding of the key terms and conditions of a share-based payment award." Defined in SFAS No 123 (Revised 2004) (123R)
Purchaser of an option
International Financial Reporting Standards
Accounting standard for "business combinations" or Merger and Acquisitions transactions. First standard written jointly by International Accounting Standards Board and the U.S. Financial Accounting Standards Board.
Occurs if the strike price of a call option is less than the market price of the underlying security. For put options the strike price has to be higher than the market price of the underlying security for it to be in-the money.
Intrinsic Value
Amount by which an option is in-the-money.
International Swaps and Derivatives Association
iTraxx Crossover Index
Tracks the cost of insuring the debt of mostly junk-rated European companies.

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