Thursday 14 August 2008

Trading Jargon

Boston Consulting Group
Boston Consulting Grou
Global management consulting firm and advisor on business strategy. We partner with clients in all sectors and regions to identify their highest-value opportunities, address their most critical challenges, and transform their businesses. Our customized approach combines deep insight into the dynamics of companies and markets with close collaboration at all levels of the client organization.
Radar Logic
A real estate data and analytics company, calculates and publishes the Radar Logic Daily™ Prices. The prices track housing values for major U.S. metropolitan areas and are the basis of the Residential Property Index™ (RPX™), a market that enables real estate to be traded as a liquid asset, via property derivatives marketed by major financial institutions.
Trade Suite / CNS Interface
Application used to streamline trade processing and reduce risk to executing broker and the prime broker. Supplied by National Securities Clearing Corporation
National Securities Clearing Corporation
TRM-Prime Broker (TRM-PB)
Management of the entire post-trade, pre-booking process in prime brokerage. Supplied by Traiana.
A platform to manage complex portfolios and satisfy investor and regulatory requirements. Supplied by Linedata
T Zero Prime Brokerage
Prime brokers use T Zero to automate the give up process. Vendor is T Zero
Application for client portfolio accounting, general ledger accounting, performance measurement and portfolio reporting. Geneva's tool vendor is Advent
Swaps Pricing Platform
Accessing security quotes generated by broker-dealers that prime brokers use for calculating client's net asset values (NAV). Tool vendor is SQX.

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