Thursday 21 August 2008

Tbricks Connects to Chi-X Europe

Tbricks, the provider of next generation automated trading systems, today announced that it has added Chi-X Europe to its list of certified trading venues.

The Tbricks solution has been devised for automated proprietary trading and targets prop trading firms, trading users at investment banks and high-tech hedge funds. They can now leverage Tbricks connectivity to ensure minimal latency to the Chi-X Europe trading venue.

Jonas Hansbo, CEO of Tbricks, says: “We see a huge market interest in Chi-X Europe—particularly from the growing number of proprietary traders who depend on the lowest latency performance. That's why we've ensured that our customers can connect to Chi-X Europe and provide integration to the Tbricks Genesis strategy engines with a latency of less than a millisecond.”

“Through our streamlined business model, institutional investors are able to trade a wide range of European equities and achieve low-cost, high-speed trade execution, as well as potential price improvement. We are pleased to provide access to our market through Tbricks’ advanced automated trading solution, and welcome Tbricks to our growing list of certified vendors.” comments Hirander Misra, chief operating officer, Chi-X Europe.

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