Monday 29 September 2008

Banking Crisis Good For ACM

When asked how the current financial crisis impacted ACM's Business, Managing Director, Nick Bang said: "The current turmoil in the financial, and mostly banking sector, generated huge volatility in the market. Most of our customers consider these moves as more profit opportunities. As a matter of fact ACM traded volume soared consistently in recent weeks."

ACM claims to be a leader in Online Currency Trading and as such is not exposed to any of the risky products which are the focus point of the crisis at the moment.

"Our clients are able to take advantage of the most effective tools and services to successfully handle the foreign exchange market, the volatile conditions give them more opportunities of trading," says Bang.

With a recent rise of its share capital to 20 millions Swiss Francs, ACM is the largest capitalised Swiss online currency broker. "For some banking actors the interdependency of capitals turned to domino's theory disaster." says Bang, "ACM's financing strategy is based on independent capital. We are simply not concerned with this crisis. Moreover, we are working with a wide panel of providers granting us almost endless liquidity," he added.

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