Thursday 18 September 2008

Primer Brokerage Systems

Tool used mainly by hedge funds for portfolio management, accounting and partnership accounting. Prime brokers can use the application to view the client portfolio. SS&C is the vendor.
Compliance Hub
Post-trade automation derivative products. Examples are credit and equity swaps. Communicator Inc.
Application service supplied by Imagine Trading to prime broker to allow their clients to risk management and trading services.
Financial Calendar
Global holidays database to reduce the number of expensive date discrepancies arising during the trade confirmation proces.
Trade acceptance service for OTC interest rate derivatives trade intermediation as well as trade notification and confirmation.
Prime Brokerage for Matching
Thomson Reuters supplied service allowing clients to trade on Reuters. It matches in the name and utilises the credit of the prime broker.
Prime Brokerage Online Reporting
Provides performance, balance and trade confirmations for clients. Vendor is Actuate.
Trade automation and trade confirmation validation. Supporting documents for OTC derivative instruments. Supplied by Interwoven.
A trade platform for a variety of financial instruments. Vendor is TradingScreen
Visual Portfolio Manager
System with ortfolio accounting, trade processing and reporting for hedge fund clients so prime brokers can view their portfolios. Supplied by Sungad.

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