Monday 15 September 2008

Volante Payments Bridge

Volante today unveiled Volante Payments Bridge, its comprehensive solution for corporate treasuries implementing SWIFT messaging and SWIFTNet connectivity. Designed for the challenges of complex legacy environments, extensive banking relationships, high-volume and high-value payment traffic, Payments Bridge provides a cost-effective and quick-to-implement solution for managing payment communications.

Payments Bridge is being demonstrated this week at SWIFT's Sibos conference in Vienna at the Volante Stand B203.
"Payments Bridge cuts through the technical and business complexity faced by large corporate treasuries," said Vijay Oddiraju, CEO of Volante. "Volante is on mission to make the benefits of SWIFT messaging easy to obtain and the challenges of implementation easily overcome. We are glad to extend our solutions to corporate treasuries which are an important part of the SWIFT community."

Volante Payments Bridge is currently in production in the treasury operation of one of the largest corporations in the world. Features of the solution include the following:
-- Support for all SWIFT messaging formats, as well as other payments message standards such as ACH, EDI, BAI2 and TWIST
-- Seamless integration with internal applications, networks and operating systems
-- Complete customizability of messaging to meet unique bank requirements
-- Internal routing logic to direct payments to the correct transport mechanism based on message content
-- Dashboard for monitoring message status, identifying failures, reporting and auditing

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