Friday 10 October 2008

CME Gas Trading

CME Group is launching 18 new natural gas basis, index and swing swaps futures contracts on ClearPort(R), beginning on October 19 for trade date October 20.

The new futures contracts and their commodity codes are: NGPL STX natural gas basis swap (T5); Algonquin Citygate natural gas basis swap (B4); TCO natural gas index swap (Q1); TETCO STX natural gas index swap (Q2); Tennessee Zone 0 natural gas index swap (Q4); Transco Zone 3 natural gas index swap (Y6); Tennessee 500 leg natural gas index swap (Y7); MichCon natural gas index swap (Y8); CIG Rockies natural gas index swap (Z8); TCO natural gas swing swap (A1); TETCO STX natural gas swing swap (T2); Tennessee Zone 0 natural gas swing swap (T4); Malin natural gas swing swap (W9); Stanfield natural gas swing swap (Q3); Transco Zone 3 natural gas swing swap (T6); Tennessee 500 leg natural gas swing swap (T7); MichCon natural gas swing swap (T8); and CIG Rockies natural gas swing swap (U8).

The basis and index swap futures contracts will be listed for 36 consecutive months, and the swing swap futures contracts will be listed for two consecutive months. The first listed month for all contracts will be November 2008.
The contract will be 2,500 mmBtus (10,000 million British thermal units) in size with a minimum price fluctuation of $0.0025 per mmBtu. For more information, please visit

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