Thursday 30 October 2008

Exchanges Jargon

American-Style Option
Option contract which can be excercised at any time between the purchase date and the expiration date. Most commonly exchange-traded option in the U.S.
Formerly Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Largest derivatives exchange, built through mergers with CBOT and NYMEX.
2) Bilateral agreement between buyer and seller (parties) of a futures or options on futures transaction. Defined by the exchange.
Cox, Christopher
Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Confirmed in 2005.
Donaldson, William
Former chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission
Exchange-Traded Fund
Floor Broker
Licensed member of an Exchange, who is paid a fee for executing orders for Clearing Members or their customers.
Floor Trader
Also known as a "local". Exchange member who only trades for his own account.
FTSE All-Share
Index covering all the shares irrespective of size on the main London Stock Exchange
All contracts covering purchase and sale of financial instruments or physical commodities for future delivery on a commodity futures exchange.
Futures Commission Agent
Engages in soliciting or accepting handling orders for the purchase or sale of futures contracts , subject to the rules of a futures exchange and, who, in connection with solicitation or acceptance or orders, accepts any money or securities to margin any resulting trades or contracts. Can be a firm or person.
Foreign exchange platform
Hang Seng
Benchmark index of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange
Benchmark index of the Seoul Stock Exchange
Nikkei 225
Benchmark index of the Tokyo Stock Exchange
New York Stock Exchange
NYSE Euronext
Parent company of exchanges including New York Stock Exchange, the world's largest cash equities market; Euronext, the Eurozone's largest cash equities market; Liffe, Europe's leading derivatives exchange by value of trading; and NYSE Arca Options, one of the fastest growing U.S. options trading platforms.
Options Industry Council
An industry cooperative funded by the American Stock Exchange, Boston Options Exchange, Chicago Board Options Exchange, International Securities Exchange, NASDAQ Options Market, NASDAQ OMX PHLX, NYSE Arca, and The Options Clearing Corporation.
Securities and Exchange Commission.
TietoEnator and SEB Enskilda
SEB Enskilda has selected TietoEnator’s capital market solution ProBroker to manage the company’s trading operation at the Oslo Stock Exchange. SEB Enskilda is the largest broker dealer at the Oslo Stock Exchange in terms of number of transactions as well as volumes. The implementation project has been running since vinter 2008 and 1st September SEB Enskilda went sucessfully into production with their new trading clearing and settlement solution.
Tokyo Commodity Exchange
Tokyo Stock Exchange
TTT Moneycorp Real-time Messaging
SMA Financial, SWIFT Regional partner for UK, Eire and Channel Islands today announced that TTT Moneycorp (Moneycorp), the leading international foreign exchange and payments specialist, has moved to real-time message processing over the SWIFT network using MQ Series.To cope with rapidly expanding business volumes and to automate its payment, banking and treasury services, Moneycorp initially implemented the SMA Bureau Service to send payment messages over the secure SWIFT network.

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