Thursday 30 October 2008

NYSE and SunGard

The NYSE, a subsidiary of NYSE Euronext (NYX), is providing market data, news and alerting capabilities for NYSE listed companies through its NYSE Market Access Center(SM) using data management solutions jointly developed with SunGard. NYSE's Market Access Center Alerts provide real-time access to trading information and news driving today's dynamic markets. The service uses SunGard's Fame real-time data feed, charting and reporting capabilities, news management system and a new complex alerting system to deliver results to issuers' wireless devices. SunGard also provided consulting services including project management, requirements analysis, and change management; integration expertise in terms of connectivity and ASP delivery, user acceptance testing and final launch.

Joseph Mecane, executive vice president of NYSE Euronext, said, "NYSE's market information tools are a key component of our value proposition to listed companies and this is a significant enhancement to our growing suite of services. We chose SunGard as our partner due to its experience and expertise which has helped us to launch NYSE Market Access Center Alerts. With Fame, we are able to deliver relevant, complex alerting to busy investor relations and chief financial officers with the flexibility to incorporate additional data sources in the future."

For NYSE, SunGard's Fame delivers results based on real-time pricing data from North American exchanges and news from Dow Jones Newswires to NYSE's issuers' desktops and wireless devices. Fame's new complex alerting capability goes beyond 'new news' and 'limit quote' alerts to provide customizable alarm triggers and delivery. It maps news to the movement of prices and volumes on securities and, as customized by the user, provides updates on stock rating changes, earnings announcements, merger and acquisition activity and companies added or removed from major indices. Fame's market data, news and alerting capabilities provided to NYSE are fully hosted by SunGard, helping NYSE reduce maintenance and support, ensure 24/7 availability, and meet time-to-market objectives on new offerings.

Developed using SunGard's Common Services Architecture (CSA)*, Fame can be deployed as an end-to-end data management solution or as individual components for real-time and time series market data, historical financial data management, desktop solutions, data delivery via HTML, XML or dynamic Java-based content, analytical modelling tools, and managed data services.
Janet Crowley, general manager of SunGard's Fame business unit, said, "SunGard's financial data solutions provide a solid foundation for NYSE's expanded service offerings and sustained leadership in market intelligence services. Through consolidated feeds and flexible delivery methods, SunGard helps NYSE to focus on enhancing the end-user experience by providing timely, unique and customized information, and actionable alerts based on a meaningful combination of market events."

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